Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sound City / Fairfax Recordings

We spent a fair amount of time remodeling the facilities at Sound City in Van Nuys.  (Yes, this is the place in Dave Grohl's documentary film... I think some of us here at KD are in a frame or two.) 

We totally redid the control room, lobby's and offices, updating everything from fairly rough, 1970s and 80s style to what you see here.  Although we altered the live room, replacing the floor, adding bass traps and diffusers, we had to tread very lightly in an effort to maintain the sonic integrity of this famous room.  Sound City has been home to the likes of Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, Johnny Cash and countless more.  Nirvana recorded "Nevermind" here, the Beatles rehearsed here for their show at the Hollywood Bowl. But, perhaps, highest on my personal list of luminaries, Mel Blanc recorded several Looney Tunes Cartoons here.  Seems every time we tore down a wall, I could hear the strains of "Kill the wabbit!"

 Main lobby


Lounge area

 Control room

Live room.

This space is appx. 40' X 40', large enough for a small orchestra. It was originally the show room for Vox speakers and was where the Beatles rehearsed.  Off to the left is a spot where, legend has it, Kurt Cobain smashed his guitar on the hidden track and, up above and behind is a little crawl space where Stevie Nicks was said to reside for several months living on nothing but whiskey and cocaine.

Overhead diffusion.

(Dave Grohl's drum kit, he was recording the day we took the pictures.)
 Allegedly one of Elton John's pianos.



Sound lock

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is always a good idea to use wood countertops on your home. If you currently have a different countertop, you can simply replace it with the wooden countertop. No other countertop be capable of turning your home as beautiful to be a wooden countertop.